Super Health Hacks, Celebrity Style

Leonardo DiCaprio (Leo to his friends and the paparazzi) seems to have an itch he can’t resist scratching. According to The Telegraph, over the last few years, the Oscar-winning actor has bought a handful of state-of-the-art-of-healthy-living apartments in New York City. The abodes sport such features as “vitamin C-infused showers, purified air and water, circulated aromatherapy air, posture-supportive heat reflexology flooring and ‘dawn simulation’ provided by a circadian lighting design.”. [...]

Why you have problems sleeping and what to do about it

Sleep – it’s comforting, it promotes wellness and most people don’t get enough of it. In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control called insufficient sleep a public epidemic. Nearly half of all adults get less – sometimes a lot less - than the minimum recommendation of seven hours of sleep per night. Sleep shouldn’t be considered a luxury because new research links chronic lack of sleep to reduced cognitive function, memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease. [...]

Protecting our Kids from Technology Overload

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study, 25 percent of three-year olds and 50 percent of five-year olds spend time online every day. With obesity reaching epidemic levels in the U.S., it should come as no surprise that pre-schoolers spend more time online than they do engaged in physical activity. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that too much technology in children’s lives has been connected to higher levels of aggressive behavior as well as diagnoses of depression. The first “prescription” a pediatrician offers to parents of anxious youngsters these days? [...]